Nutritional Therapy Services

Personalized Nutritional Recommendations, based on:

  • Health History Form
  • An informational intake form that you complete regarding your current symptom concerns, health history, and nutritional goals.
  • Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire
  • The Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire, or NAQ, is a comprehensive, 300+ question survey that you complete with a rating of your current symptoms. The sophisticated software of this questionnaire allows me to analyze your responses and create various reports which detail the severity of your symptoms and the burden they are putting on your body.
  • Food and Mood Journal
  • Before beginning Nutritional Therapy, each client is required to submit an online 4-day food and mood journal that specifically details:
    • everything that goes into the body, be it beverage, food, medication, or nutritional supplements.
    • mood changes, digestive symptoms, and elimination throughout the day
  • Initial Interview
  • This is a dedicated time in which you educate me about the aspects of your life that brought you to seek out Nutritional Therapy.
  • Functional Clinical Assessment (FCA)
  • A skillset that allows me to assess imbalances and deficiencies within the body using a series of touch palpation tests. Each test assesses for nutritional imbalances and deficiencies at both the body system and organ level that are unique to each client.

Lab work:

  • Basic nutritional marker labs
  • These include blood sugar, basic lipid panel (cholesterol), vitamin D, folate, basic metabolic panel, iron, iodine, and others.
  • KBMO Labs Food Inflammation Test (FIT)
  • The FIT employs unique methods that detect both IgG antibody and Immune Complexes together to determine the reactivity of your blood against up to 176 foods that most frequently yield reactions. Measuring IgG and Immune Complexes together increases the sensitivity over other tests which measure IgG alone.
  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)
  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis is a sophisticated method for analyzing the vital mineral content of your hair, which is a non-invasive way to assess the mineral content of your entire body. Results are tabulated in the form of a graph which details your current mineral levels and ratios between minerals.
  • Other specific panels can be ordered on request

The RESTART® Program group sugar detox course:

A simple, powerful way to give your body a vacation from sugar and processed foods. The 5-week program focuses on how to use nutrient dense foods to boost your energy, reduce inflammation, and get rid of sugar and carb cravings. Learn more.


I would definitely recommend Allison! Before working with her, I had been suffering from GERD for a few years. I had been taking a statin for my cholesterol and eating mostly non- and low-fat foods without a drop in my scores which frustrated me. I saw one of her other clients and liked the weight loss result and heard about a new way to eat which piqued my interest in trying something new since what I had been doing was not effective. I heard a report about many of the over the counter meds for GERD being linked to dementia so I had stopped them on my own without an alternative. It is a financial commitment for Allison's services as well as the supplements recommended which involved trusting the professional, and I did. Allison is very professional, well spoken and was knowledgeable about why things were not working for me.

The time required for the symptom surveys and hair samples proved to be worthwhile when I started to see improvements. She also recommended some books and papers which I read and opened my eyes to a whole new naturally healthy way of eating. I liked the fact that there were studies to back up the claims. Now after working with Allison, my GERD is much better. I enjoy butter and whole eggs which are new to me. My favorite part is the knowledge that fat is my friend; I have energy and fewer symptoms than prior to starting consulting with Allison. The program is very well outlined with great handouts. Her knowledge, patience, and effective teaching style make her easy to trust and follow. She is a likable, smart, educated, and patient helper.

Cathy T.
Oxnard, CA

My interest in Allison's services was prompted by my lethargy and very low energy levels, but I was fearful that I would not be able to afford personalized treatment. My thought process was, why would I spend the money on this, if I was not in a place of desperation? This experience of working with Allison COMPLETELY changed my thinking. She is very easy to talk to, and a good listener. She is down to earth and did not push me into being or thinking any certain way, but seemed to rather be most concerned with educating me, which she did in a comforting and caring manner. It is obvious that Allison loves what she does; it made me want to go down that road too!

Now looking back on when I first started working with Allison, I realize I have made progress, and life is good. We had discussed the possibility of my health and energy levels improving if I stopped drinking caffeine. Subsequently and independently, my own doctor told me I had to stop drinking caffeine due to an issue with uterine fibroids. It was difficult to stop but I did, and found this to be extremely important in shifting my energy levels back to where they should be. Because of this new awareness, I was clearly making better choices for myself and my family. Allison convinced me of the importance of sourcing nourishing foods locally, and the importance of making my own food whenever possible. But at the same time she stated ANY change was progress and ANY change was a BIG change. I could not fail.

I believe a huge plus to working with Allison is her generosity. She is extremely giving of her time and effort. Every time I would get my results back, she always made sure I understood them. Even if it meant writing lengthy emails, having lengthy phone calls, or sending references to more reading and information that could help my situation and even my husband's situation, who wasn't even her client. For all of these reasons, I would definitely recommend that others work with Allison!

Marissa M.
Cambria, CA

Allison's kindness, honesty, nutritional expertise, ease of explanation, ability to answer the research questions I have, and non-judgemental nature are just a few of my favorite parts of working with her. Before we started working together, things were good with my health and eating habits, but Allison helped me to fine-tune them. I got tired of taking the supplements that had been recommended for years by my chiropractor. Now, I keep making healthier choices through Allison's recommendations. I feel better and my thyroid reports are improving. I was also amazed when at one meeting I had with her, she said my stress level was more severe, and it was one month after I had been in a car accident. I recommend her to people that are voicing concern about their health.

Cathy H.
Ventura, CA

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